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Saving the Savior,
which you may order immediately.

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(Date posted: 7/20/2002)

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Jammu Online Bookstore

Jammu Press
P.O. Box 1959
Evanston, IL 60204-1959

Book list:

Saving the Savior The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ The Christ Conspiracy Jesus in Heaven on Earth

Saving the Savior: Did Christ Survive the Crucifixion?

(Price: $16.95--408 pages)

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This new book has quickly become one of the most popular books on the historical Jesus. This devastating work presents irrefutable evidence that Jesus Christ survived the crucifixion, traveled across what was then known as Asia, took up residence in Kashmir, India, and lived to the age of 120 years. He is buried under the Rauzabal mausoleum in the Kan Yar section of Srinagar, Kashmir, India. The Rauzabal is a large structure, still intact, and visited by people from around the world. Thirty pictures and charts include actual Sanskrit, Tibetan and Persian language documentswith full English translationsthat record the sojourn of Jesus Christ after the crucifixion.

Read the fascinating details of how the tomb of Jesus Christ was discovered (to whet your appetite, click here to read about the actual ointment that was used to heal the wounds of Jesus, an ointment that has been mentioned in 32 ancient books of medicine AS the ointment that healed the wounds of Jesus).To order, click CCNow shopping cart icon above. (U.S., Canada, International)

The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ

(Price: $10.00--56 pages)

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This book, an all-time classic, includes a lengthy and absolutely fascinating translation of a Tibetan manuscript found by Nicholas Notovitch, a Russian aristocrat, author and explorer, in the Hemis Buddhist Monastery in the 1890s. This authentic document reveals that Jesus Christ spent those "missing years" (unaccounted for in the Bible), between the ages of 13 to 29, in India and Asia.

Read about the six years he spent in Juggarnaut, Rajegriha, Benares and other holy cities, gaining the love and respect of all whom he encountered (except the priests!) Read about his defense of the "lower castes," the Vaisyas and the Sudras, and his bold stance against the Brahmans and Kshatriyas; and later, when he arrived in Persia en route back to Jerusalem, the fear he instilled in the Zoroastrian priests through his teaching to the common people that, "As long as the people had no priests...Their souls were in God." To order, click CCNow shopping cart icon above. (U.S., Canada, International)

The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold

(Price: $14.95--256 pages)

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This book is now becoming a classic after only a few years in print. Acharya S is a stinging writer, of great depth and passion, who has amassed a vast amount of material to advance her theory that Christianity and, indeed, the figure of "Jesus Christ" himself, were created by a cabal of clandestine members of various secret societies, mystery schools and religions for the purpose of unifying the Roman Empire under one state religion. Acharya postulates that "Jesus" was actually a composite character of popular dieties such as Mithras, Heracles/Hercules, Dionysos and many others who personified the ubiquitous solar myth. She shows that the story of Jesus, as portrayed in the Bible, is virtually identical in detail to that of earlier savior-gods, such as Krishna and Horus. She shows Western Christianity to be no more than a re-interpretation of ancient beliefs that were centered on the celestial bodis and natural forces. To order, click CCNow shopping cart icon above. (U.S., Canada, International)

Jesus in Heaven on Earth
Journey of Jesus to Kashmir,
his preaching to the Lost Tribes of Israel
and death and burial in Srinagar

(Price: $16.95--471 pages)

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Khwaja Nazir Ahmad's book is one of the top two Jesus-in-India books of all time (read our other books to decide which is the other one!) This book is a well-known classic. Twenty-seven chapters, 86 illustrations, a bibliography of 513 books, linguistic charts, insightful appendices, a chronological survey of the research, and much more make this book a scholar's paradise. Yet it is wholly readable for the average lay person. Nazir Ahmad, a bona fide scholar, cannot be dismissed as a "New Age" fanatic. He was well versed in Asian and Indian languages, comparative religious studies, world history and linguistics, and was once nominated for the Nobel. First written in 1950 and republished in 1998, this book does much more than present the issue of Jesus in India as some isolated, quaint topic. Thorough analysis is given to the important details of history, culture, religion, archaeology and linguistics, all woven together as one of the most systematic, coherent and logical presentations of the subject to date. Nazir Ahmad made his case. To order, click CCNow shopping cart icon above. (U.S., Canada, International)
