Israelite Origin of the
Kashmiri People
(The Lost Tribes)
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ssuming that Jesus Christ survived the crucifixion, for what purpose would he travel, far away from his homeland, to Kashmir? Perhaps the answer might be found in the Bible: “These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, ‘Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.’” (Bible, Matthew 10: 5 & 6) |
Even Christians believe that one of the Disciples, Thomas, did precisely that: he traveled to India and set up the first Christian communities there. During the ministry of Jesus Christ in Israel there were only two tribes of the Jewish people in his homeland: Yehuda and Binyomin (Judah and Benjamin). The other ten tribes had been scattered away during the First Temple Era. Proponents of the Jesus-in-India theory state that the “lost sheep” mentioned by Jesus Christ in the Bible referred to the ten tribes that had been scattered, and that the term “lost sheep” did not just mean wayward Jews who no longer followed the path of God.
So, after the Ascension of Jesus (or, according to the Jesus-in-India theory, after he began his travels through Asia), the Apostles met in Jerusalem and, in obedience to the above-mentioned Biblical instruction of Jesus Christ to go and preach his message to the remaining Jewish tribes, portioned all the countries of the world amongst themselves. India, which at that time included all Middle East to the present India, was given to Thomas.
The Acta Thomae, an apocryphal book that is historically dated around the end of the first century, shortly after the martyrdom of St. Thomas, gives an account of Thomas’s efforts. Thomas is said to have traveled to India with one Habban, taking a sea route and landing in a port called Sandruk Mahosa. Thomas traveled throughout India spreading the word of Jesus Christ. To this day, local tradition in India supports the accounts located in the Acta Thomae.
The first chart below lists names of the tribes, castes and sub-castes of the Kashmiri People, along with equivalent names as found in the Bible (chiefly, the Old Testament). Also provided is the exact Biblical chapter and verse containing the name. The second chart gives the same for the Afghani people. The third and fourth charts offer the names of cities and towns and places in Kashmir and Afghanistan that also match names to be found in Biblical verses. This list, incidentally, as extensive as it is, is not complete.
It seems hardly coincidental that such a large number of tribes, castes, cities, etc. would have names equivalent to Biblical ones unless there were some kind of connection between the people of Afghanistan and Kashmir and the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. And, as stated earlier, Jesus was determined to get his message to all of the tribes of Israel.
It is significant to
note that while various peoples around the world have claimed that Jesus Christ
appeared in their country, and use this claim to promote parochial causes (such
as the racist adherents of the misnomered, “Christian” Identity Movement—the
“religious” philosophy that neo-nazis, skinheads, Klansmen and others subscribe
to, and that now loosely unites them ideologically), there probably exists no
place on earth outside of Israel where one can find the profusion and
concentration of Biblical names than Kashmir/Afghanistan. So this fact, along
with other evidence you will see later, lends weight to the theory that Jesus
Christ traveled to that area after the ordeal of the crucifixion.
[Though the grave of Mary, Jesus’ mother, is not the subject of this link, it should be noted that her alleged burial spot is located at the summit of a hill called Pindi Point in the city of Murree in what is now called Pakistan. More precisely, it is located within protected property behind the fence of a Pakistan television booster. The theory states that Mary accompanied her beloved son on the trip to Kashmir, but died before reaching Srinagar.]
Please carefully go through the charts that follow. They
represent stunning proof of the Israelite origin of the Kashmiri people, though
not the only proof. Later you will read about modern DNA testing that has proven the Israelite
Casts, and Sub-Casts
Biblical Names
Abri | Ibri | 1 Chronicles, XXIV: 27 |
Akwan | Achan (Hebrew: Akhan) | Joshua, VII:1 |
Amal | Amal | 1 Chronicles VII: 35 |
Asaul | Asahel | 2 Chronicles, XVII: 8 |
Asheriya | Aser (Hebrew: Asher) | Genesis XXX: 13 |
Attai | Attai | 1 Chronicles, XII: 11 |
Azri | Azriel | 1 Chronicles, V: 24 |
Bal | Baal | 1 Chronicles, V:5 |
Bala | Bela | 1 Chronicles, VII: 6 |
Bakru | Bochru (Hebrew: Bakheru) | 1 Chronicles, VIII: 38 |
Baktu | Baca (Hebrew: Bekha) | Psalms, LXXXIV: 6 |
Balah | Bala | Joshua, XIX: 3 |
Banniya | Bannah | 1 Chronicles, XI: 30 |
Bera | Beera | 1 Chronicles, V: 6 |
Basaya | Basseiah (Hebrew: Baeseyah) | 1 Chronicles, VI: 40 |
Beroth | Beeroth | 2 Samuel, IV: 2 |
Betya | Betah | 2 Samuel, VIII: 8 |
Bilgai | Bilgah | Nehemiah, XII: 5 |
Buhana | Bohan | Joshua, XV: 6 |
Butt | Bath | Songs, VII: 4; 1 Kings VII: 26 |
Caleb | Caleb | 1 Chronicles, II: 18 |
Dand | Dan | 1 Chronicles, II: 1 |
Dar & Dhar | Dor | 1 Kings, IV: 11 |
Dara | Dara | 1 Chronicles, II: 6 |
Dattu | Dathan | Numbers, XVI: 1 |
Dum | Dumah | 1 Chronicles, 1: 30 |
Gabbi | Gabbi, Geba or Gabbe (Heb.: Gabba) | Nehemiah, XI: 8 |
Gaddar | Gedor | 1 Chronicles, IV: 4 |
Gadha | Gad (Hebrew: Gadh | 1 Chronicles, II: 2 |
Gaddi | Gaddi | Numbers, XIII: 11 |
Gani | Guni | 1 Chronicles, VII: 13 |
Gareb | Gareb | 1 Chronicles, XI: 40 |
Gomer | Gomer | Genesis, X: 2 |
Gunzo | Gimzo | Nehemiah, XII: 4 |
Hahput | Hatipha (Hebrew: Hatipha) | Nehemiah, VII: 56 |
Haqqaq | Hukok (Hebrew: Huqqoq) | 1 Chronicles, VI: 75 |
Iqqash | Ikkesh (Hebrew: Iqqak) | 1 Chronicles, XI: 28 |
Ishai | Ishui | 1 Samuel, XIV: 49 |
Israel | Israel | Genesis, XXXII: 28 |
Kahan-Masu | Kanah (Hebrew: Qanah or Cohen) | Joshua: XIX: 28 |
Kalkul | Chalcol (Hebrew: Kalkul) | 1 Chronicles, II: 6 |
Kanaz | Kenaz | Judges, III: 9 |
Karrah | Korah | Numbers, XXVI: 9 |
Kaul | Caul | Isaiah, III: 18 |
Kadu, Kaddua, Khadu | Cauda (Hebrew: Kauda) | Acts, XXVII: 16 |
Kitchlu | Kithlish | Joshua:, XVI: 40 |
Kotru | Keturah | Genesis, XXV: 4 |
Laddu | Lud | 1 Chronicles, 1:17 |
Lavi, Laveh | Levi | 1 Chronicles, II: 1 |
Libian | Lebana | Nehemiah, VII: 48 |
Magar | Magor | Jeremiah, XXII: 3 |
Mallak | Malluch (Hebrew: Malluk) | 1 Chronicles, VI: 44 |
Matri | Matri | 1 Samuel, X: 21 |
Mahsa | Massah (Hebrew: Mahssa) | Exodus, XVII: 7 |
Moza | Moza | 1 Chronicles, VIII: 36 |
Mathu | Mathat | Luke, III: 29 |
Nephzu | Nepheg (Hebrew: Nephez) | 1 Chronicles, III: 7 |
Opal | Ophel | 2 Chronicles, XXVII: 3 |
Pareh | Paruah | 1 Kings, IV: 17 |
Phalu | Phallu | Genesis, XLVI: 9 |
Pau | Puah or Pua | 1 Chronicles, VII:; Num.: XXVI: 23 |
Poot or Put | Phut or Put | 1 Chronicles, 1:8 |
Raina | Rinnah | 1 Chronicles, IV: 20 |
Raphu | Raphu | Numbers, XIII: 9 |
Razdon | Rezon | 1 Kings, XI: 23 |
Resh | Rhesa (Aramaic, Resha) | Luke, III: 27 |
Reu | Reu | Genesis, XII: 18 |
Reual | Reuel | Numbers, II: 14 |
Sachu | Sechu | 1 Samuel, XIX: 22 |
Sapru, Sapra | Saphir | Micah, 1: 11 |
Shahmiri | Shamir | 1 Chronicles, XXIV: 24 |
Shaul | Shaul | 1 Chronicles, IV: 24 |
Shavi | Shaveh | Genesis, XIV: 17 |
Shora | Sherah | 1 Chronicles, VII: 24 |
Shuah | Shuah | 1 Chronicles, IV: 11 |
Tamar | Tamar | 2 Samuel, XIII: 2 |
Tellah | Tellah | 1 Chronicles, VII: 25 |
Thabal | Thubal (Hebrew: Thebhal) | Genesis, X:2 |
Thapal | Tophel (Hebrew: Thophel) | Deuteronomy, 1:1 |
Tiku | Tekoa | 1 Chronicles, II: 24 |
Toh | Tohu | 1 Samuel, 1: 1 |
Tola | Tola | 1 Chronicles, VII: 1 |
Yadu | Jahdu (Hebrew: Yahdu) | 1 Chronicles, V: 14 |
Zadu | Zadok | 1 Chronicles, XXIV: 3 |
Zartan | Zaretan | Joshua, III: 16 |
Zaru | Zarah | Genesis, XLVI: 12 |
Zattu | Zattu | Ezra, X: 27 |
Zebu | Zebah | Judges, VIII: 10 |
Afghanistan, Bukhara,
Biblical Names
Ajah | Ajah | Genesis XXXVI: 24 |
Aka Zye | Achala (Hebrew: Akaia) | 1 Corinthians XVI: 15 |
Ama-Zye | Amma (Amazites) | 2 Samuel, II: 24 |
Amon-Zye | Amon | 1 Kings, XXII: 26 |
Ava-Zye | Ava | 2 Kings, XVII: 24 |
Ayub-Khel | Job (Hebrew: Iyobb) | Job, I: 1 |
Aziel-Khel | Aziel | 1 Chronicles, XV: 20 |
Azorees | Azor | Matthew, I: 13 |
Baboo-Zye | Bebai | Ezra, II: 11 |
Bajor | Bezer | 1 Samuel, XI: 8 |
Barak-Zye | Barak | Judges, IV: 6 |
Bezak-Zye | Bezek | 1 Samuel, XI: 8 |
Biroo-Zye | Beera | 1 Chronicles, V: 6 |
Gadha | Gad (Hebrew: Gadh) | 1 Chronicles, II: 1 |
Hamor-Khel | Hamor | Genesis, XXXIII: 19 |
Haroon-Khel | Aaron (Hebrew: Aharon) | Exodus, IV: 14 |
Ilyas-Khel | Elias (Hebrew: Eliyas) | 1 Kings, XVII: 1 |
Ishaq-Khel | Issac (Hebrew: Itshaq) | XVII: 19 |
Khadu-Khel | Cauda (Hebrew: Kauda) | Acts, XXVII: 16 |
Karak-Zye | Karka | Joshua, XV: 3 |
Mallak | Mallauch (Hebrew: Malluk) | 1 Chronicles, VI: 44 |
Malhi | Maleh | Joshua, XV: 3 |
Maikri-Khel | Machir (Hebrew: Makhir) | 1 Chronicles VII: 14 |
Mattru | Matri | 1 Samuel: V: 9 |
Mered-Zye | Mered | 1 Chronicles: IV: 17 |
Milo-Zye | Millo | 2 Samuel, X: 21 |
Mosa-Khel | Moses (Hebrew: Mosheh) | Exodus, II: 10 |
Maryam-Khel | Mary (Hebrew: Miryam) | Matthew, II: 23 |
Nazarees | Nazareth (Hebrew, Nassara) | Matthew, II: 23 |
Shamo-Khel | Shem | Genesis, V: 32 |
Shuavi-Khel | Shaveh | 2 Samuel, XVIII: 8 |
Teko-Zye | Tekoh | 1 Chronicles, II: 24 |
Yakub-Khel | Jacob (Hebrew: Yaaqob) | Genesis, XXV: 26 |
Yunus-Khel | Johan (Hebrew: Yonas) | Jonah, I: 1 |
Zaka-Khel | Zaccai | Ezra, II: 9 |
Zakaria-Khel | Zechariah (Hebrew: Zekoryah) | Zechariah, I:1 |
Kashmir &
Nearby Areas
of Place & its location (in parenthesis)
Biblical Names
Ach-bal (Anantnag) | Ash-bal (Eshbal) | Genesis, XLVI: 21 |
Aguru (Palwama & Srinagar) | Agur | Proverbs, XXX: 1 |
Ajas (Srinagar) | Ajah | Genesis, XXXVI: 24 |
Alvan (Handwara) | Alvan | 1 Chronicles, II: 24 |
Amariah (Srinagar) | Amariah | 1 Chronicles, XXIII: 19 |
Aner-wan (Srinagar) | Aner | 1 Chronicles, VI: 70 |
Ara-gam (Anantnag) | Ara | 1 ChroniclesVII: 38 |
Arah-bal (Kulgam) | Arah | 1 Chronicles, VII: 39 |
Arch (Srinagar) | Archi | Joshua, XVI: 2 |
Aror (Avantipura) | Areor | Joshua, XII: 2 |
Asham (Srinagar) | Ashema | 2 Kings, XVII: 30 |
Astor (Lulgam & Gilgit) | Ashtoreth | 1 Kings, XI: 5 |
Avend (Anantnag) | Aven | Amos, I: 5 |
Babel (Anantnag) | Babel | Genesis, XI: 9 |
Bahan (Kulgam) | Bohan | Joshua, XV: 6 |
Balpura (Avantipur) | Baalpeor | Numbers, XXV: 3 |
Beman (Handwara) | Bamah | Ezekiel, XX: 29 |
Barzilla (Kulgam & Srinagar) | Barzillai | 2 Samuel, XVII: 27 |
Berat (Anantnag) | Beriah | 1 Chronicles, VII: 23 |
Behatpoor (Handwara) | Bethpeor | Deuteronomy, XXXIV: 6 |
Beyar (Uri) | Beor | Genesis, XXXVI: 32 |
Birsu (Avantipur & Srinagar) | Birsu | Genesis, XIV: 2 |
Bona (Baramulla) | Baana | Nehemiah, III: 4 |
Dan-sok (Kulgam) | Dan | 1 Chronicles, II: 1 |
Doru (Anantnag & Gilgit) | Dor | 1 Kings, IV: 11 |
Gochan (Anantnag) | Goshen | Joshua, XI: 16 |
Hara-mok (Anantnag) | Hara | 1 Chronicles, V: 26 |
Harwan (A lake in Srinagar) | Haran | 2 Kings, XIX: 12 |
Hosiah (Anantnag) | Hosea | Hosea, I: 1 |
Kahan (Avantipura) | Kanah | Joshua, XIX: 28 |
Kalkol (Kulgam) | Calcol (Hebrew: Kalcol) | 1 Chronicles, II: 6 |
Keran (Karnah) | Cheran (Hebrew: Keran) | 1 Chronicles, I: 41 |
Kir-gam (Kulgam) | Kir | Amos, X: 7 |
Kirouth (Kulgam) | Kirjuth | Joshua, XVIII: 28 |
Kashu (Kulgam) | Cush | Genesis, X: 6 |
Kashi (Kashtwar Jammu Province) | Cush | Genesis X: 6 |
Koh-i-Hama (Handwara): The mount of Ham | Ham | Genesis, X: 1 |
Lasharoun (Srinagar) | Lasharon | Joshua, XII: 18 |
Lavi-Pura (Handwara) | Levi | 1 Chronicles, II: 1 |
Lyddan (Palwana) | Lydda | Acts, IX: 32 |
Mamre (Srinagar) | Mamre | Genesis, XIV: 13 |
Mattan (Anantnag) | Mattan | 2 Kings, XI: 18 |
Median-pura (Kulgam) | Midian | 1 Chronicles, I: 46 |
Mt. Nebo (Handwara) | Mt. Nebo | Deuteronomy, XXXIV: 1 |
Nain-wa (Avantipura) | Nain | Luke, XXI: 40 |
Nekanur-pura (Kulgam) | Nicanur | Acts, VI: 5 |
Paru (Anantnag) | Paruah | 1 Kings, IV: 17 |
Pattan (Baramula) | Padan | Nehemiah, VII: 47 |
Perah (Jammu Province) | Parah | Joshua, XVIII: 23 |
Phallu (Kulgam) | Phallu | Genesis, XLVI: 9 |
Phalgam (Anantnag) | Phlegon | Romans, XVI: 14 |
Rei (Kulgam) | Rei | 1 Kings, I: 8 |
Rissi-pura (Avantipura) | Rissah | Numbers: XXXIII: 21 |
Shopeon (Kulgam) | Shopham | Numbers: XXXII: 35 |
Sopur (Handwara) | Shapher | Numbers, XXXIII: 23 |
Sukait (Sukait) | Succoth | Genesis, XXXIII: 17 |
Suru | Shur | Genesis XVI: 7 |
Taharan (Kulgam) | Tahan | Numbers, XXVI: 35 |
Takht-i-Sulaiman (Srinagar) | Solomon | 1 Kings, IV: 30 |
Tarelu (Avantipura) | Taralah | Joshua, XVIII: 27 |
Teman-Kot (Handwara) | Teman | Jeremiah, XLIX: 7 |
Tema-pura (Kulgam) | Tema | Genesis XXV: 15 |
Terich (Uri) | Teresh | Esther, II: 21 |
Uri (Uri) | Uri | Exodus, XXXI: 2 |
Yus-Maidan (Kulgam) | Jesus | New Testament |
Yus-margh (Handwara) | Jesus | New Testament |
Yus-nag (Kulgam) | Jesus | New Testament |
Yus-para (Kulgam) | Jesus | New Testament |
Zelu (Avantpur) | Zelah | Joshua, XVIII: 28 |
Afghanistan, Northwest
Frontier, Adjoining States, Pakistan
of Place
Biblical Names
Agrur | Agur | Proverbs, XXX: 1 |
Bajor | Besor | 1 Samuel, XXX: 9 |
Beora-wai | Beor | Genesis, XXXVI: 32 |
Cherat | Cherith | 1 Kings, XVII: 3 |
Chilas | Shilas | Acts, XV: 22 |
Dober | Debir | Joshua, XXI: 15 |
Dor | Dor | 1 Kings, IV: 11 |
Gazni | Gaza | Genesis, X: 19 |
Gur-nai | Gur | 2 Kings, IX: 27 |
Herat | Hirah | Genesis, XXXVIII: 1 |
Hiel | Hiel | 1 Kings, XVI: 34 |
Ilai | Ilai | 1 Chronicles, XI: 29 |
Jamrud | Jamruth | Joshua, XXI: 29 |
Jared | Jared | Genesis, V: 15 |
Kabul | Cabul | Joshua, VIII: 10 |
Kaidon | Kidron | Joshua VIII: 27 |
Khaibar | Chebar (Hebrew: Khabur) | Ezekiel, I: 1 |
Kohallah | Kolaiah | Nehemiah, XI: 7 |
Kohat | Kohath | Joshua, XXI, 5 |
Kullali | Kallai | Nehemia, XII: 20 |
Nikaia | Nicoh | 2 Kings, XXIII: 29 |
Pakhaur | Peshur (Hebrew: Pakhaur | Ezra, II: 38 |
Sadoom | Sodom | Deuteronomy, XXIX: 23 |
Shaul | Shaul | 1 Chronicles, IV: 24 |
Terah | Terah | Genesis, XI: 24 |
Tikal | Tekel | Daniel, V: 27 |
Zaida | Sidon (Zidon) | Jeremiah, XLVII: 4 |
“Unlike many other lost-tribe adventurers, Mr. Parfitt doesn’t have a political or religious agenda. He isn’t out to populate Israel with clansmen of obscure Jewish sects. Nor does Mr. Parfitt rely on cultural evidence of shared traditions and rituals between these sects and Western Jewry. He also wants biological evidence. ‘DNA is a tool of Jewish history,’ he says.”
Jewish tradition states that the Cohanim are the members of the Jewish priest class who are descended patrilineally from the first high priest, Aaron, who was Moses’s brother. Today, the names Cohn, Cone, Kahn and Kann indicate that people carrying one or the other of those names are descended from Aaron. Parfitt and Bradman looked for genetic traits that are shared by Cohanim in the West:
“The technique examines the Y-chromosome, a long strand of DNA that contains the genetic formula for maleness. The Y-chromosome is passed only from father to son and is unique in that most of the strand doesn’t exchange DNA with a partner chromosome.
“Like an unshuffled deck of cards, the Y-chromosome remains unchanged for thousands of years, except for tiny genetic variations, or mutations. What most Cohanim have in common is that their DNA is stacked in the same order. Messrs. Parfitt and Bradman have confirmed that there is a genetic link between Lemba tribesmen in southern Africa, Jews from Yemen, and now the Bene Israel. The finding, says Mr. Parfitt, validates Islamic sources about the Jews’ path into Africa and could revise the history of ancient Jewish commerce across the Indian Ocean.”
Though this test was performed on the Bene Israel Jews of Alibag India, it is clear that the general Indian traditions regarding the presence of Jews throughout India in ancient times, including Kashmir, are based in truth.