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Racism is a scourge in humanity that threatens to tear apart entire societies and has even once in the 20th century threatened the peace and stability of the entire world [Nazi Germany]. It is certainly sad that religion--something that is supposed to be uplifting for humankind--has often been dragged in the mud by people who desire to "sanctify" their cause with the "blessings" of God. Pope Nicholas V, for instance, issued a Papal Bull in which he officially sanctioned the slave trade, stating that this henous traffic would bring the "heathen" to the Lord. [Of course, in all fairness, it must be stated that several other Popes strongly condemned slavery and fought against it]. The Jews, considered the "killers of God" by Christians for centuries, were subjected to all kinds of persecution in Europe. Even Adolph Hitler attempted to justify his crimes against the Jews, using Christianity as his "justification", as he is reported to have stated:
"It is of no matter whether or not the individual Jew is decent. He possesses certain characteristics given to him by nature, and he can never rid himself of those characteristics. The Jew is harmful to us...My feeling as a Christian leads me to be a fighter for my Lord and Savior. It leads me to the man who, at one time lonely and with only a few followers, recognized the Jews for what they were, and called on men to fight against them...As a Christian, I ow something to my people." (As taken from, The Christ Conspiracy, by AcharyaS, p. 3) |
The Ku Klu Klan (see picture of Nathan Bed Forest above, founder of the Ku Klux Klan) justified it's crimes against African-Americans by citing the Biblical story of Noah, claiming that Noah's son, Ham, "looked upon Noah's nakedness" and was therby "cursed" for eternity. According to the Ku Klux Klan and other racist groups, the descendants of Ham are the Africans and people of African descent. Of no religion, at its core, sanctions racism. And though it is certainly very sad that religion and racism have often been combined to support and justify hatred against other human beings, sad or not, it is now a reality. And that is why we included racism as a Major Player in this issue of Jesus Christ. You will read below, though we've made it brief, how the issue of the Roza Bal and a possible post-crucifixion life of Jesus Christ impacts upon the issue of racism.
Anti-Semitism: Did the Jews "kill" God?
How does the issue of the Roza Bal and a possible post-crucifixion life of Jesus Christ impact on the subject of Anti-Semitism? In today's world, Anti-Semitism is generally considered unacceptable and repulsive. Public consciousness against Anti-Semitism can be chiefly attributed to the international outrage over the crimes committed against the Jews during World War Two during which, it is believed, 6,000,000 Jews were killed by Adolph Hitler's Third Reich in Nazi Germany.
But for hundreds and hundreds of years, especially in Europe, Anti-Semitism
was actually quite popular and widely practiced. While Jews might claim that
"Anti-Semitism" can be said to go back to the persecution of Jews
by pharaoh, since our subject surrounds the figure of Jesus Christ, we will
confine our study to anti-Semitic activity after the advent of Jesus Christ.
And the origins of Anti-Semitism after Jesus Christ can be said to come directly
from Christianity [more accurately, from Christians who used their understanding
of religious history as an excuse to persecute the Jews]. Why can it be said
that Christianity is responsible for Anti-Semitism? The Church taught, without
any reservation, that the Jews killed God, whom they understood to be Jesus
Christ [son of God, and God Himself]. This idea that the "Jews killed God"
had been in existence since the 4th century, if not somewhat before. With the
rise and eventual domination of Christianity throughout the Western world, hatred
and discrimination against Jews became widespread and very organized. Massive
numbers of Jews were persecuted and murdered, especially during the Crusades.
Jews were isolated and segregated in ghettos. They were forced to wear identifying
marks, or special clothing. They were subjected to economic tyranny by the imposition
of tight restrictions on their activities in the field of business. One wonders
how Christians could have persecuted the Jews for "killing God", considering
the fact that their own religious doctrine dictated that Jesus' preordained
destiny was to come to earth for the express purpose of being
"killed" on the cross to atone for the sins of mankind.
It has only been in recent years that the Catholic Church--the most important
and powerful institution in Christianity--has made overtures to the Jews by
way of expressing regret for their sanctioning of the persecution of the Jews,
though (as of this writing: November, 1999) no formal apology from the Pope
of the Catholic Church has come forth, as far as we know.
Since so many Jews have been persecuted and murdered over the centuries in
the name of Jesus Christ, perhaps it might be considered "too late,"
historically, for proponents of the Jesus in India theory to suggest that since
Jesus did not die on the cross, then the very root of the Anti-Semitism [that
the Jews "killed" God] practiced since the 4th century has been destroyed.
As such, since Jews now cannot be blamed for a death that did not occur, then
the practice of Anti-Semitism, as begun in the 4th century, has no basis.
While this may seem irrelevant now since that form of Anti-Semitism has, theoretically
"disappeared," the mere fact that Anti-Semitism still exists means
that the existence of the Roza Bal tomb may well have an impact in the future
should the current Anti-Semitic activities increase, or, though probably far
from likely, should there emerge a new anti-Jewish movement within Christianity.
It is difficult to imagine how such a resurgence of anti-Semitic activity could
occur within Christianity. But even at this moment, with the millennium approaching,
there are huge tensions between the Catholic Church and the State of Israel--home
to 3.5 million powerful Jews, and now the center of the Jewish world at large--over
the issue of the building of a mosque (Islamic place of worship) at a spot opposed
by the Catholic Church. The Pope, in fact, as of this writing has actually threatened
not to make a planned visit to Israel if the mosque is built. Could such tensions
bring about renewed anti-Semitic activity amongst Christians and possibly revive
the old "the Jews killed God" belief of hundreds of years ago? While
one might tend to say, "that couldn't possibly happen," let us remind
the reader of a popular saying with regard to probabilities: "Stranger
things have happened!"
In summary, and to repeat, if Jesus Christ does, indeed, lie dead and buried
in the Roza Bal, then though this discovery may have come a little too late,
we can at least now view history from an entirely different perspective, with
respect to anti-Semitic Jewish persecution amongst Christians: What, historically,
can be said to be "absolute"? What can we be absolutely certain of?
Christians, for 2000 years, have been absolutely certain that Jesus Christ died
on the cross. And it was, in part, this "certainty" that caused them
to feel totally justified in persecuting and murdering Jews for centuries. So
historical perspective of this nature can help us, hopefully, to be hesitant
in the future in formulating our prejudices and our beliefs. For, if Jesus Christ
lies dead and buried in the Roza Bal, can it be said that thousands of Jews
over the centuries have lost their lives based on the belief in an event that
never took place: the death of Jesus Christ on the cross?
The Christian Identity Movement
What on earth does Jesus Christ have to do with racism, neo-Nazism,
white nationalism, etc? Well, to someone who believes in Christianity
(Jesus as son of God and God Himself), or Islam
(Jesus as righteous prophet), or even, perhaps to the mind of the enlightened
Buddhist (Jesus as Buddha), absolutely nothing. And
were it not for the powerful impact of racism in the world, we would not have
included this as a serious subject to be reviewed at this site. But the powerful
extent of the potential of racism has already been demonstrated in the rise of
Adolph Hitler and his Third Reich in Nazi Germany. Today, racism has taken on
(in potential) an even deadlier aspect, and, since the 20th century had demonstrated
the horrid danger of racism in the form of World War II-- a war fought in large
part to stop Adolph Hitler's racist scheme of world domination--it is not out
of place to deal very carefully and thoroughly with the issue of racism today.
Because what has totally escaped many people is the fact that the modern racism
movements--particularly in America--are not strictly sociopolitical movements
that exploit the issue of race to leverage for power and domination over others.
But they are, in fact, religious movements that appeal to their followers on
a much deeper and emotional level than politics. The fact is that the modern
racist movements, though still separated into various organizations, are now
intimately tied together through a common belief. That belief carries the label,
The Christian
Identity Movement. In fact, it is this common belief that presents the danger
that these disparate racist movements, now unified through faith, may extend
that unification with the formation of a national superstructure, particularly
in the United States of America.
[We fully realize that it may seem unfair to orthodox Christians that we deal with the "Christian" Identity Movement as a serious subject here, since, most Christians would state, racism cannot be considered a part of Christianity. This may be unfortunate, but since the Christian Identity Movement has developed into a full belief system, despite what some might consider to be its distortions, that fact is that from the standpoint of the Christian Identity believer, their religious cosmology is real and sound. And since such people have now maintained their beliefs through generations, we feel that they cannot be ignored. This is especially so, again, considering the serious threat of an every-growing racist movement that lends religious sanctity to its racial goals, and has now spread beyond America into Europe].
Groups like the Aryan Nations (which was established in the mid-1970s in Hayden
Lake, Idaho, and was able to bring together within a single organization factions
of the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis, and members of the Christian Identity "religion"),
are highly motivated by the belief that it is the duty of every white man to
"fulfill" the desire of God Himself; that desire is that the "Chosen
People of God" (Anglo-Saxons, in their view) be dominant on this earth.
The cosmology of the Christian Identity Movement adopts the notion that today's
Anglo Saxons represent the descendants of the Biblical 10 Lost Tribes of Israel.
But what is the Jesus connection? The Christian Identity Movement seeks to legitimate
the claim that the Anglo-Saxons are the Biblical descendants of Israel by including
within its cosmology the belief that Jesus Christ, at some time before the crucifixion,
made a trip to England ("origin" of the Anglo-Saxons) to teach some
of the "tribes of Israel" that, according to the Christian Identity
Movement, had been scattered to that area.
The reader would do well not to dismiss the beliefs of the Christian Identity
Movement too easily. Be sure to read the entire link highlighted above [The
Christian Identity Movement] as well as a couple of links at the end of this
discussion that also detail the beliefs of the Christian Identity Movement.
They should not be underestimated, nor should they be dismissed.
The existence of the Roza Bal threatens to lay the ax to the theories propounded
by the Identity Movement regarding Anglo-Saxons as the "original"
Biblical Israelites, or the 10 lost tribes of Israel, because in the theory
regarding the post-crucifixion life of Jesus Christ, it is now believed that
after the event of the crucifixion, Jesus traveled to Kashmir specifically to
continue his ministry by preaching to those 10 tribes that had been scattered
to those areas. There are many books that include startling evidence--pages
of it--that seems to clearly demonstrate that the lost tribes of Israel were
never "lost," but were scattered to the northern tier of Afghanistan,
and then on the Kashmir.
As evidence, these books present a stunning list of
cities, tribes, common names, etc., in Kashmir, that exactly parallel names
that are found in the Bible, the majority of them in the Old Testament, along
with the chapter and verse where those names can be found and compared to Kashmiri
names. But the claims of the Christian Identity Movement regarding an Israelite
identity of the Anglo-Saxons cannot be substantiated even by the least of evidence.
For more information on the Christian Identity Movement, visit the following
Christian Apologetics
& Research Ministry
Christian Research
For a very interesting, though disturbing, article revealing the danger of the Christian Identity Movement, please read the following article:
Conspiracies and Extremism ("Religion on Steroids"), by Mark E. Fisher
This link provides a frightening list of murders perpetrated by members of the Christian Identity Movement. Any teenagers who have either adopted the religious cosmology of the Christian Identity Movement, or are being influenced by the movement, or who have friends who are influenced by that movement should be exposed to the theory of regarding the 10 lost tribes of Israel. We believe that the chart we provided on the Lost Tribes link might help these teenagers to avoid being lured to a movement that all humanity must detest and condemn.